Dynamical systems methods in fluid mechanics
All talks are in room CC021 James France Building. The schedule is available here and abstracts are available here.
Coherence in nonautonomous fluid flows
- George Haller, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Title: Invariant manifolds as barriers to stochastic and diffusive transport
- Christiane Schneide, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Germany
Title: Using a network ansatz to detect coherent sets in turbulent flows
- Péter Koltai, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Title: From large deviations to semidistances of transport and mixing: coherence
analysis for finite Lagrangian data
- Daniel Karrasch, Technische Universität München, Germany
Title: How does advection-diffusion look like in Lagrangian coordinates?
PDE and multi-scale methods
- Camilla Nobili, Universität Basel, Switzerland
Title: Limitation of the background field method for the Rayleigh-Bénard
convection model
- Michael Dellnitz, Universität Paderborn, Germany
Title: Glimpse of the infinite-on the approximation of the global dynamical
behavior for partial differential equations
- Christian Kühn, Technische Universität München, Germany
Title: Stability exchange in dynamics with applications to fluids
- Marcel Oliver, Jacobs University, Germany
Title: Optimal balance and fast-slow splittings in geophysical fluid dynamics
- Makoto Iima, Hiroshima University, Japan
Title: A Jacobian-free algorithm to calculate the phase sensitivity function
of the phase reduction theory and its application to Kármán's vortex street