MS6: Random dynamical systems
All talks are in room J001 Edward Herbert Building. The schedule is available here and abstracts are available here.
Random Dynamical Systems (I)
- Alex Blumenthal, Maryland, USA
Title: Random perturbations of predominantly hyperbolic maps
- Maximilian Engel, Munich, Germany
Title: Conditioned Lyapunov exponents for random dynamical systems
- Anna Maria Cherubini, Lecce, Italy
Title: Approximation of rate functions for large deviations with
application to bifurcations of random dynamical systems
- Chunrong Feng, Loughborough, UK
Title: Ergodicity on sublinear expectation and capacity spaces
Random Dynamical Systems (II)
- Mikko Stenlund, Helsinki, Finland
Title:Almost sure limit variance in normal approximation for quenched random sequences of transformations
- Marks Ruziboev , Loughborough, UK
Title: Quenched decay of correlations for slowly mixing systems
- Stefano Galatolo, Pisa, Italy
Title: Perturbations of dynamical systems with additive noise,
noise induced order and linear response
- Huaizhong Zhao, Loughborough, UK
Title: Periodic random dynamical systems
Ergodic Theory and Stochastic Differential Equations
- Christian Pangerl , Imperial College, UK
Title: A Girsanov approach to slow parameterising
manifolds in the presence of noise
- Christian Kuehn, Munich, Germany
Title: Dynamics of stochastic reaction-diffusion PDEs
- Xue-Mei Li, Imperial College, UK
Title: Conservation laws and the truncated shallow water equation
Ergodic Theory and Extreme Value Theory
- Jorge Freitas, Porto, Portugal
Title: A dynamical counter example for the usual interpretation of the extremal index
- Davide Faranda, Versailles, France
Title: Correlation dimension and phase space contraction via extreme value theory
- Matthew Nicol, Houston, USA
Title: Erdös-Rényi laws and local large deviations for unbounded observables on chaotic dynamical systems
- Jerome Rousseau, Salvador, Brazil
Title: On the shortest distance between orbits and the longest
common substring problem
Low-dimensional Random Dynamical Systems
- Ale Jan Homburg, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Title: On-off intermittency and chaotic walks
- Julian Newman, Lancaster, UK
Title: Topological conjugacy of iterated random orientation-preserving homeomorphisms of the circle
- Alexey Okunev, Moscow, Russia
Title: Generic iterated function systems on the circle
- Yuzuru Sato, Hokkaido University, Japan
Title: Stochastic bifurcation of random logistic maps