Welcome to Dynamics Days Europe 2018, 3-7 September


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MS8: Dispersive hydrodynamics

Organisers: Mark Hoefer, E-mail: hoefer@colorado.edu; Gennady El, E-mail: G.El@lboro.ac.uk.

All talks are in room J001 Edward Herbert Building. The schedule is available here and more information is available here.
  • Tom Bridges, University of Surrey, UK
    Title: On Coalescing Characteristics in Whitham Modulation Theory: the Characteristic (Krein) Signs and Their Nonlinear Implications
  • Alexander Dyachenko, Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Russia
    Title: Canonical system of equations for 1D water wave and its NLSE approximation
  • Thibault Congy, Loughborough University, UK
    Title: Nonlinear Schrödinger equation and the universal description of dispersive shock waves
  • Roger Grimshaw, University College London, UK
    Title: Development of undular bores in a variable medium
  • Mark Hoefer, University of Colorado, Bouder, USA
    Title: Using Whitham Theory to Describe Modulated Solitary Waves
  • Ted Johnson, University College London, UK
    Title: Wavepackets as solutions of the Ostrovsky equation
  • Antonio Moro, Northumbria University, UK
    Title: Hydrodynamic theory of phase transitions
  • Stephane Randoux, University of Lille, France
    Title: Optical random Riemann waves and the pre-breaking stage of integrable turbulence
  • Noel Smyth, University of Edinburgh, UK
    Title: Dispersive shock fitting for Benjamin-Ono type equations
  • Michael Shearer, North Carolina State, USA
    Title: Riemann problems for the BBM equation
  • Patrick Sprenger , University of Colorado, Bouder, USA
    Title: Soliton-mean flow interactions in bi-directional dispersive hydrodynamic systems
  • Wooyoung Choi, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
    Title: On resonant interactions of gravity-capillary waves without energy exchange